Sunday, October 21, 2007

Andre Tippett

Was walking out of the Portsmouth Shaw's the other day, laden with groceries and beer, when a sign on the window on the way out caught the corner of my eye. "What did I just see?" I stopped, took a step backward, and did the standard cartoon double-take. The sign said Andre Tippett... THE Andre Tippett... Superstar Patriots linebacker from the 80s... Was going to be at Shaw's... THIS Shaw's... On Friday!

How wonderfully random!

I mean, it's not totally random. Shaw's has done a major renovation in our "Durgin Square" shopping center. And it's not unheard of for major corporations to enlist sports stars as added attractions. But it's one of those deals where normally, I would've heard about Tippett being in Portsmouth after the fact, had I not happened to have amazing peripheral vision [;-)] and that would've bummed me out. But I did see the sign, so my brother and I were able to meet one of our childhood football heroes! See?

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